
(70 Peer Reviewed Publications and 12 Book Chapters)

Okamoto, D.K., Spindel , N.B., Collicutt, B. Mustermann, M.J., Karelitz, S., R., Gimenez, I., Kline, D.I.,  Cronmiller, E., M. Foss, N. Mahara, D. Swezey, R. Ferraro, D., Rogers-Bennett, L. and S. Schroeter.  2023. Thermal suppression of gametogenesis explains collapses in larval recruitment. bioRxiv, pp.2023-09   doi:

Boles, S.E., Rogers-Bennett, L. Bragg, W. Frederick,  A., Curran, J., Graham, S., Aquilino, K.M., and J. A. Gross. 2023 Determination of gonad reproductive state using non-lethal ultrasonography in endangered Black (Haliotis cracherodii) and White Abalone (H. sorenseni). Frontiers in Marine Science DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1134844

Peters, H., Rogers-Bennett, L. and G. Ralph 2023.  Global Abalone Assessment Reveals Multiplicity of Threats Led by Over-fishing But Captive Breeding Offers Hope. Tentacle 31:57-59.

Rogers-Bennett, L., and C.A. Catton 2022. Cascading impacts of a Climate-Driven ecosystem transition intensifies population vulnerabilities and fishery collapse. Frontiers in Climate, Ecology and People, Special Issue: Advances in Marine Heatwave Interactions.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Yang, G., and Mann J.A. 2022. Using the Resist-Accept-Direct management framework to respond to climate driven transitions in marine ecosystems. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29: 409-422.

Garcia-Reyes, M., Thompson, S.A., Rogers-Bennett, L., W.J. Sydeman 2022. Winter oceanographic conditions predict summer bull kelp canopy cover in northern California. PLoS ONE.

Boles, S.E., Neylan, I.P. Rogers-Bennett, L. and J.S. Gross 2022. Evaluation of gonad reproductive condition using non-invasive ultrasonography in red abalone (Haliotis rufescens).  Frontiers in Marine Science.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Klamt, R., C.A. Catton 2021. Survivors of Climate Driven Abalone Mass Mortality Exhibit Declines in Health and Reproduction Following Kelp Forest Collapse. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.725134.

Rogers, D.W., Zavitsas, A.A. and L. Rogers-Bennett 2021. Helical structure of polyunsaturated fatty acids: Gaussian G4 thermodynamic functions. J. Comp. Chem. Mole. Model. 5: 543-549.

Low, N.H.N, Micheli, F., Aguilar, J.D., Acre, J.R., Boch, C.A., Bonilla, J.C., Bracamontes, M.A., De Leo, G., Diaz, E., Enriquez, E., Hernandez, A., Martinez, R., Mendoza, R., Miranda, C., Monismith, S., Ramade, M., Rogers-Bennett, L., Romero, A., Salinas, C., Smith, A.E., Torre, J., Villavicencio, G., C.B. Woodson. 2021. Variable coastal hypoxia exposure and drivers across the southern California Current. Scientific Reports. 11: 10929

McPherson, M.L., Finger, D.J.I., Housekeeper, H.F., Bell, T.W., Carr, M.H., Rogers-Bennett, L. and R.M. Kudela 2021. Large-scale shift in the structure of a kelp forest ecosystem co-occurs with an epizootic and marine heatwave. Comm. Bio. 10.1038/s42003-021-01827-6

Estrada, A.C., Rogers-Bennett, L. and M.A. Steele. 2021. Recruitment of post-larval abalone (Haliotis spp.) at Santa Catalina Island examining natural recovery. J. Shell. Res. 40:1-8.

Bauer, J., Beas-Luna, R., Lorda, J., Malpica-Cruz, L., Lafarga-De la Cruz, F., Micheli, F., Searcy-Bernal, R., Rogers-Bennett, L., and M. Bracamontes-Peralta. 2020. Testing ocean warming solutions for red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, mariculture in San Jeronimo Island, Baja California, Mexico: Effects of depth and diet. Ciencias Marinas 46: 343-357.

Swezey, D.S. Boles, S.E., Aquilino, K.M., Stott, H.K., Bush, D., Whitehead, A., Rogers-Bennett, L., Hill, T.M., and E. Sanford 2020. Evolved differences in energy metabolism and growth dictate the impacts of ocean acidification on abalone aquaculture. PNAS 117: 26513-26519 Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2006910117

Hart, L., Goodman, M.C., Walter, R.K., Rogers-Bennett, L., Shum, P., Garrett, A.P., Watanabe, J.M., and J.K. O’Leary 2020. Abalone recruitment in low density and aggregated populations facing climate stress. J. Shell. Res. 39:359-373.

Arafeh-Dalmau, N., Schoeman, D.S., Montaño-Moctezuma, G., Micheli, F., Rogers-Bennett, L., Olguin-Jacobson, C. and H.P. Possingham 2020. Marine heatwaves threaten kelp forests. Science Letters 367: 635. Doi: 10.1126/science.aba5244

Rogers-Bennett, L. and C.A. Catton 2019. Marine heat wave and multiple stressors tip bull kelp forest to sea urchin barrens. Scientific Reports 9:

Rogers, D.W., Zavitsas, A.A. and L. Rogers-Bennett 2019. The Gaussian G4 structure, enthalpy, and free energy of formation of trans-dimethyl-, diethyl, dipropyl-, and dibutylcyclopentanes. J. Mol. Model. 25:233 PDF.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Kashiwada, J.V., Taniguchi, I.K., Kawana, S.K. and C.A. Catton. 2019. Using density-based fishery management strategies to respond to mass mortality events. J. Shell. Res. 38:485-496.

Kawana, S., Taniguchi, I.K., Stein, D., Catton, C.A. Hofmeister, J.K.K. Sowul, K. and L. Rogers-Bennett. 2019. Warm water shifts abalone recruitment and sea urchin diversity in southern California: Implications for climate ready restoration. J. Shell. Res. 38:475-484.

Hofmeister, J.K.K, Kawana, S.K., Walker, B.J., Sowul, K. Taniguchi, I.K., Stein, D., Catton, C.A., L. Rogers-Bennett 2018. Temporal and spatial patterns in behavioral responses of marine predators to a sudden influx of abalone prey (Haliotis rufescens). Hydrobiologia

Ebert, T.A. et al. 2017. Size, growth, and density data for shallow-water sea urchins of the North American Pacific coast from Mexico to Alaska including the Aleutian Island chain, 1956 – 2016. Ecology doi:10.1002/ecy.2123

O’Leary, J.K., Barry, J.P., Gabrielson, P.W., Rogers-Bennett, L., Potts, D.C., Palumbi, S.R., F. Micheli 2017. Calcifying algae maintain settlement cues to larval abalone following algal exposure to extreme ocean acidification. Scientific Reports. 7: doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05502-x

Li, Y. and Rogers-Bennett, L. 2017. Evaluating factors affecting restoration of an endangered marine broadcast-spawning invertebrate using an individual-based model of white abalone. Endangered Species Research. doi:10.3354/esr00804

Rogers-Bennett, L., Aquilino, K.M., Catton, C.A., Kawana, S.K., Walker, B.J., Ashlock, L.W., Marshman, B.C., Moore, J.D., Taniguchi, I.K., Gilardi, K.V., Cherr, G.N. 2016. Implementing a restoration program for the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) in California. J. Shell. Res. 35:611-618.

Rogers-Bennett, L. Dondanville, R.F., Catton, C.A., Juhasz, C.I., Horii, T., Hamaguchi, M., 2016. Detecting larval, newly settled and juvenile red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) recruitment in northern California. J. Shell. Res. 35:601-609.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and D.W. Rogers 2016. A two-step growth curve: An approach to the von Bertalanffy and Gompertz equations. Advances in Pure Mathematics: 6: 321-330.

Reid, J. Rogers-Bennett, L., Pace, M., Eyler, R., Vasquez, F., Bruner, A., Catton, C.A., Kashiwada, J.V. and I.K. Taniguchi 2016. The economic value of the recreational red abalone fishery in northern California. California Fish and Game 102:119-130. 

Catton, C.A., Stierhoff, K. Rogers-Bennett, L., 2016. Population Status assessment and restoration modeling of white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) in California. J. Shell. Res. 35:593-599.

Jurgens, L.J., Rogers-Bennett, L., Raimondi, P.T., Schiebelhut, L.M., Dawson, M.N., Grosberg, R.K., Gaylord, B. 2015. Patterns of mass mortality among rocky shore invertebrates across 100 km of northeastern Pacific coastline. PLoS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0126280: 1-21.

Braje, T.J., Rick, T.C., Erlandson, J.M. Rogers-Bennett, L., C. Catton 2015. Historical ecology can inform restoration site selection: The case of black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii) along California’s Channel Islands. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI:10.1002/aqc.2561.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and C.I. Juhasz 2014. The rise of invertebrate fisheries and the fishing down of marine food webs in California. California Fish and Game. 100:218-233.

De Wit, P, Rogers-Bennett, L. Kudela, R, and S. Palumbi 2014. Forensic genomics as a novel tool for identifying the causes of mass mortality events. Nature Communications 5: Article 3652 DOI:10.1038/ncomms4652

Andrews, A. H. Leaf, R.T., Rogers-Bennett, L., Neuman, M., Hawk, H., G.M. Cailliet 2013. Bomb radiocarbon dating of the endangered white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni): investigations of age, growth and lifespan. Marine and Freshwater Research. 64:1029-1039.

Maguire, A.K, and Rogers-Bennett, L. 2013. An ecotoparasitic snail (Evalea tenuisculpita) infects red abalone in northern California. California Fish and Game 99:80-89.

Rogers-Bennett, L. K. Hubbard and C. Juhasz 2013. Dramatic declines in red abalone populations after opening a “de facto”  marine reserve to fishing: Testing temporal reserves. Biological Conservation: 157:423-431

Catton, C.A. and L. Rogers-Bennett 2013. Assessing the recovery of pink abalone (Haliotis corrugata) by incorporating aggregation into a matrix model. J. Shell. Res. 32:181-187.

Rogers-Bennett, L. 2013. Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Chapt.. 27 In “Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology”, Third Edition”(J. M. Lawrence, Ed.), Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom. Pp 413-435.

Foster, M.S., Reed, D.C., Carr, M.H., Dayton, P.K., Malone D.P., Pearse, J.S., Rogers-Bennett, L. 2013. Kelp Forests in California. Research and Discoveries: The revolution of science through Scuba. Smithsonian publication. 39:115-132 .

Taniguchi, I.K., Stein, D., Lampson, K. and L. Rogers-Bennett 2013. Testing translocation as a recovery tool for pink (Haliotis corrugata) and green abalone (H. fulgens), in southern California. J. Shell. Res. 32:209-216.

Rogers-Bennett, L. Kudela, R., Nielsen, K. Paquin, A., O’Kelly, C. Langlois, G., Crane, D. and Moore, J. 2012. Dinoflagellate bloom coincides with marine invertebrate mortalities in northern California. Harmful Algae News 46:10-11.

Koslow, J. A., Rogers-Bennett, L. and D. Neilson 2012. A time series of California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus) phyllosoma from 1951 to 2008 links abundance to warm oceanographic conditions in southern California. CalCOFI 53:132-139.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Allen, B.L. and D.R. Rothaus 2011. Ecosystem engineers, northern abalone and species richness in the Pacific Northwest. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:573-581.

Button, C. A. and L. Rogers-Bennett 2011. Vital rates of pink abalone (Haliotis corrugata) estimated from mark-recapture data to inform recovery. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 431:151-161.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Dondanville, R.F., Moore, J.D. and L.I. Vilchis  2010. Response of red abalone reproduction to warm water, starvation and disease stressors: Implications of ocean warming. J. Shellfish Res. 29:599-611.

White, J.W. and Rogers-Bennett, L. 2010. Incorporating physical oceanographic proxies of recruitment into population models to improve fishery and Marine Protected Area management. CalCOFI 51:128-149.

Jiao, Y., L. Rogers-Bennett, I. Taniguchi, J. Butler and P. Crone 2010. Incorporating temporal variation in the individual growth of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) using hierarchical Bayesian growth models. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 67:730-742.

McClatchie, S., Goericke, R., Schwing, F.B., Bograd, S.J., Peterson, W.J., Emmett, R., Charter, R., Watson, W., Lo, N., Hill, K., Collins, C., Kahru, M., Mitchell, B.G., Koslow, J.A., Gomez_Valdes, J., Lavaniegos, B.E., Gaxiola-Castro, G., Gottschalk, J., L’Heureux, M., Xue, Y., Manzano-Sarabia, M., Bjorkstedt, E., Ralston, S., Field, J., Rogers-Bennett, L., Munger, L., Campbell., G., Merkins, K., Camacho, D., Havron, A., Douglas, A., and J. Hildebrand 2009. The State of the California Current, Spring 2008-2009: Cold conditions drive regional differences. CalCOFI 50: 43-68

Rogers-Bennett, L. and D.W. Rogers 2008. Modeling dispersal of cloning echinoderm larvae with a Gaussian distribution: Forever young? CalCOFI Reports 49:232-240.

Leaf, R.T., Rogers-Bennett, L., Y. Jiao 2008. Exploring the use of a size-based Egg-per-Recruit Model for the Red Abalone Fishery in California. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28:1638-1647.

Bracken, M.E.S., B.E. Bracken and L. Rogers-Bennett 2007. Species diversity and foundation species: Potential indicators of fisheries yields and marine ecosystem functioning. CalCOFI Reports 48:82-89.

Rogers-Bennett, L. 2007. Is climate change contributing to range reductions and localized extinctions in northern, (Haliotis kamtschatkana), and flat, (Haliotis walallensis), abalones? Bull. Mar. Sci. 81:283-296.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Rogers, D.W. and S. Schultz. 2007. Modeling growth and mortality of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) in northern California. J. Shellfish Res. 26:719-727.

Rogers-Bennett, L. 2007. The ecology of Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Book Chapter In: Lawrence, J. (ed) Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology. Elsevier Amsterdam Chapter 19:393-425.

Leaf, R.T., Rogers-Bennett, L. and P.L. Haaker. 2007. Spatial, temporal, and size-specific variation in mortality estimates of red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, from mark-recapture data in California. Fisheries Research: 83:341-350.

Marko, P.B., Rogers-Bennett, L. and A.B. Dennis. 2007. MtDNA population structure and gene flow in lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus): limited connectivity despite long-lived pelagic larvae. Marine Biology 150:1301-1311.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and A.S. Melvin. 2007. Size differences in wild and farmed red abalone: Developing enforcement tools to combat illegal commercialization. California Fish and Game 93:77-85.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and D.W. Rogers. 2006. Estimating growth transitions for stage-based matrix models of endangered species with limited data. Ecological Modelling 195:237-246.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and R.T. Leaf. 2006. Elasticity analyses of size-based red and white abalone matrix models: Management and conservation. Ecological Applications 16:213-224.

Harley, C.D.G. and L. Rogers-Bennett. 2004. The potential synergistic effects of climate change and fishing pressure on exploited invertebrates on rocky intertidal shores. CalCOFI Reports 45:98-110.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Allen, B.L. and G.E. Davis. 2004. Measuring abalone (Haliotis spp.) recruitment in California to examine recruitment overfishing and recovery criteria. J. Shellfish Res. 23:1201-1207.

Bennett, W.A., K. Roinestad, L. Rogers-Bennett, L. Kaufman and B. Heneman 2004. Inverse regional responses to climate change and fishing intensity by the recreational rockfish fishery in California. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61:2499-2510.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Dondanville, R.F. and J.V. Kashiwada. 2004. Size specific fecundity of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens): Evidence for reproductive senescence? J. Shellfish Res. 23:553-560.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Rogers, D.W. Bennett, W.A. and T.A. Ebert 2003. Modeling red sea urchin growth using six growth models. Fishery Bulletin 101:614-626.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Haaker, P.A., Huff, T.O., P.K. Dayton 2002. Estimating baseline abundances of abalone in California for restoration. CalCOFI Reports 43:97-111.

Rogers-Bennett, L. (Ed.) 2002.  Review of some California fisheries for 2001: Market squid, sea urchin, Dungeness crab, lobster, prawn, abalone, groundfishes, swordfish and sharks, Coastal Pelagic finfishes, ocean salmon, nearshore live-fishes, Pacific herring, white seabass, and kelp. CalCOFI Reports 43:13-30.

Rogers-Bennett, L., P.L. Haaker, K.A. Karpov and D. J. Kushner. 2002. Using spatially explicit data to evaluate Marine Protected Areas for abalone in southern California. Conservation Biology 16:1308-1317.

Rogers-Bennett, L. (Ed.).  2001.  Review of some California fisheries for 2000: Market squid, sea urchin, prawn, white abalone, groundfishes, ocean salmon, Pacific sardine, Pacific herring, Pacific mackerel, nearshore live-fishes, halibut, yellowfin tuna, white seabass, and kelp. CalCOFI Reports 42:12-28.

Karpov, K., Tegner, M.J., Rogers-Bennett, L., Kalvass, P., Taniguchi, I. 2001. Interactions among red abalones and sea urchins in fished and reserve sites in northern California: implications of competition to management. J. Shellfish Res. 20:743-753.

Rogers-Bennett, L. 2001. Evaluating stocking as an enhancement strategy for red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus: depth-specific patterns in recoveries. Echinoderms: 2000 Tenth International Echinoderm Conf. (Ed.). M. Barker. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Neth. 527-531.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and J.S. Pearse. 2001. Indirect benefits of marine protected areas for juvenile abalone. Conservation Biology 15:642-647.

Leet, W.S., C.M. Dewees, R. Klingbeil, and E.J. Larson (eds.). 2000. California living marine resources: a status report. Co-author on Chapters: Abalones, Red Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, Wavy Turban Snails. CA Dept. of Fish and Game. UC Agriculture and Nat Res. Publ. SG01-11.

Rogers-Bennett, L. (Ed.).  2000.  Review of some California fisheries for 1999: Market squid, dungeness crab, sea urchin, prawn, abalone, groundfish, swordfish and shark, ocean salmon, nearshore finfish, pacific sardine, Pacific herring, Pacific mackerel, reduction, white seabass, and recreational. CalCOFI Reports 41:8-25.

Karpov, K., Haaker, P., Taniguchi, I., L. Rogers-Bennett. 2000. Serial depletion and the collapse of the California abalone (Haliotis spp.) fishery. Canadian Special Publication Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 130:11-24.

Rogers-Bennett, L. and J.S. Pearse. 1998. Experimental seeding of hatchery-reared juvenile red abalone Haliotis rufescens in northern California. J. Shellfish Res. 17:877-880.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Fastenau, H.C. and C.M. Dewees. 1998. Recovery of red sea urchins beds following experimental harvest. Echinoderms: San Francisco. Proceeds. 9th Intern. Echinoderm Conf. (Eds). R. Mooi and M. Telford. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Neth. 805-809.

Rogers-Bennett, L. 1997. Marine Protected Areas and the Red Urchin Fishery. California and the World Ocean ‘97, Proceeds of the Conf. Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, California Sea Grant Publ. 412-423.

Rogers-Bennett, L., Bennett, W.A., Fastenau, H.C., and C.M. Dewees 1995. Spatial variation in red sea urchin reproduction and morphology: implications for harvest refugia. Ecological Applications 5:1171-1180.